Internal Project Application Workflow [New Feature - Requires Configuration]

The internal project or application creation process can now be integrated with NextGen workflows to enhance internal data capture, reduce administration overhead and streamline business processes. Speak to our customer success team to look at converting to this new function.


Before e.g.:

After e.g.:

Improved Option List capabilities for NextGen Workflows [Product Improvement - Requires Configuration]

Option lists within NextGen Workflow forms can now be configured to hide or show values as required. This allows more flexible configuration and enables improved administration of option lists.


For example two different forms may use the same option list but each form is configured to use a subset of the same option list.


Parallel Assessment for NextGen Assessment [Product Improvement - Requires Configuration]

 NextGen Assessment Workflows can now be configured to support parallel assessment. Contact our customer success team if you would like more information.


Conflict of Interest component [New Feature - Requires Configuration]

Enquire has implemented a Conflict of Interest smart component for NextGen workflows which enable users to flag they have a conflict of interest with a given process, from where they will no longer be able to participate in that process. Speak to our customer success team if you’d like to implement this feature.