Advanced Cost Calculator [New Feature - Configuration Required] 

Introducing Enquire’s Advanced Cost Calculator! The Advanced Cost Calculator is streamlined for improved user experience with features like inline creation and editing. It also supports flexible configuration for both Management and Client Portal business processes.


Where organistations have different processes across their business areas, the Advanced Cost Calculator supports different configuration across your project templates. 


The Cost Calculator user interface will be updated for all Management Portal users as part of this release. In-flight form using the Cost Calculator won’t be affected by the changes.


Before e.g.:

After e.g.: 

The Advanced Cost Calculator can be configured with a total of 3 financial metrics to support Client and Management Portal processes. Speak to our customer support team if you would like to use financial metrics with your Advanced Cost Calculator.


Batch Reconciliation [Product Improvement]

Improvements have been made to how Outgoing Payment Milestones are reconciled within Enquire. When batches are reconciled, the Actual Date of linked payments is set to the date of reconciliation.

New One Click Reports - Batch Reconciliation Report [New Feature]

Enquire’s One Click Reports have been expanded to include two new Batch Reconciliation Reports for the current financial year and the previous financial year. Customers can use this report to easily reconcile payment batches, invoices and milestones.

Enhanced data capture for Client Contacts and Accounts [New Feature - Configuration Required]

User-defined components can now be configured for Client Contacts and Accounts for enhanced data capture such as tracking communication preferences, declarations, and issues and risks.


Talk to our customer support team if you would like to implement this feature.

New Bulk Actions available [New Feature]

New Bulk actions are now available to Enquire Administrators to reduce administration burden:


1. Verification Status for Client Accounts

Verification Status can be bulk updated to Verified or Unverified.

2. Contract Status for projects 

Support for DocuSign Integrations [New Feature]

Enquire can now support DocuSign Integrations. This release sees the first iteration and building blocks for this feature. Watch this space in subsequent releases.


If your organisation uses DocuSign and you would like to explore how your organisation may be able to use this with Enquire, speak to our team.

NextGen Workflow extensions [Product Improvement - Requires Configuration]

Clients using NextGen workflows can take advantage of the following features to improve business processes. Speak to our Customer Support team for assistance with updating your workflows and forms.


Project Update Request and Client Reports forms can now be configured to include references to Client Account built-in fields and user-defined fields. 


NextGen workflows can now be configured to automatically update Project Stages when the workflow starts or at completion. Project stages can be moved to Draft, Active, Closing or Closed.


NextGen assessment workflow feature - Client Portal trigger [New Feature - Configuration required]

Streamline business processes by enabling Client Portal users to start a NextGen workflow. With this new feature, Client Portal users can submit Update Requests for Management Portal users to assess. 

For example, a Client Portal user can submits an early project closure request directly to a Project Manager. As the workflow progresses, the project will automatically through the Active, Closing and Closed stages.


Please don't forget to share this with your team members to ensure everyone knows how to use Enquire to its full potential.


We'd love to hear your feedback or suggestions, so please don't hesitate to let us know. Any questions about these features? We are happy to answer them.