Exciting news! We have completed the process of adding some new features to your system. Please find below the features we have extended Enquire with - we hope you like it.  

1.Aggregate your Results [New feature and UI improvements - configuration required]

The Enquire Results feature has been extended to bring further ability to manage and aggregate your Indicators across the hierarchy of Enquire.

a. Identify contracted indicators at a parent level e.g. Round, then draw down from these Indicators to the Project level

This feature is useful for customers who plan or contract Indicators at a Round or Program level and require Delivery Projects to deliver against these specific Indicators.

b. Report at the Project level and see rolled up Targets and Actuals at the Round/Program level

This feature is useful for customers who plan or contract Indicators at a Round or Program level then need to track delivery against them.

c. Identify where Indicators have been drawn down from

This feature is useful for customers who plan or contract Indicators at a Round or Program level and need to identify which Indicators have been achieved outside of the planned or contracted items.

2. New Results single click report [New feature]

Another single click added to our handy suite of data reports. The new Indicator Results Report single click is an Indicator centric view of Indicator data across your Programs, Results and Projects.

3. Assessment improvements [New feature]

New columns have been added to the Assessment export. You now not only have the field responses exportable per field, but also the scoring where this as been assigned. Use this scoring information for further breakdown analysis as part of your assessment process.

4. Client Portal access to historical assessment forms [New feature]

External assessors now have access to their historical assessment forms. This allows your external assessors the ability to review their assessment forms prior to panel meetings or for historical reference.

5. Client Portal users prompted if DRAFT exists [New feature]

Client Portal users can now be prompted that a DRAFT application already exists if they attempt to Apply again. This is an optional method to ensure Client Portal users do not make multiple DRAFT applications by selecting Apply rather than returning to their DRAFT applications.

Use the new event setting to turn this feature on or off.

6. Document tagging [New feature - Configuration required]

Need another way to categorise and sort your documents? Enquire now has an additional field you can use to label your documents. The new option list field can be used to sort and search your documents. Speak to customer support to implement this new field.

Please don't forget to share this with your team members to ensure everyone knows how to use Enquire to its full potential. 

We'd love to hear your feedback or suggestions, so please don't hesitate to let us know. Any questions about these features? We are happy to answer them.