Exciting news! On the 20th of March 2021 we have completed the process of adding some new features to your system. Please find below the features we have extended Enquire with - we hope you like it.

Improvements to managing Client Contacts in a Business Account (Management Portal)
 Enquire CRM Administrators now have broader controls to manage Business Account Client Contacts. Tactiv have included the following provisions to assist customers to manage their CRM data.


  • Delete a Client Contact where this is not a user in the system from the Management Portal
  • Revoke Client Portal Access to a Client Contact from a Business Account via the Management Portal

User interface improvements
 Our designers are regularly improving Enquire's user interface for our customers. This release included improvements to the Client Portal forms' font size and contrast of labels. Additionally, improvements have been made to the Impact Reporting area of the system.

Documents with multiple full stops
 Tactiv’s team has removed the validation around multiple full stops in documents being upload via the Client Portal. Documents with full stops in their file name can now be uploaded.